Allyship at Work
Four hour online workshop
Online workshop with Aunty-in-Residence Aunty Vickey Charles, and Chris Vanstone. Tuesday 25 Feb 2025. Price inclusive GST.
Online workshop in National Reconciliation Week with Aunty-in-Residence and Cultural Lead - Aunty Vickey Charles, and Chris Vanstone. Tuesday 3 June 2025.
In this short course Aunty in Residence & Cultural Lead, Aunty Vickey Charles, and Chief Innovation Officer, Chris Vanstone will support you to develop creative and practical strategies for allyship in your life, work and organisation.
The course is based around the Many Threads framework which was developed based on TACSI's experiences of supporting not-for-profit organisations, philanthropy and government to be better allies, and TACSI's own organisational experiments.
This course is intended as a complement to training that will build your cultural respect and awareness of privilege. We can recommend excellent First Nations providers to support you with this learning.
This course will be of particular interest to people supporting, developing and activating Reconciliation Action Plans.
A preparatory podcast, listen to TACSI staff reflect on their cultural learning journeys – where they started, where they are now, and what next.
Four hour online workshop facilitated by Aunty Vickey Charles and Chris Vanstone
Opportunities to connect with people exploring allyship in their life and work
Practical frameworks, process and practices for allyship with First Nations communities
A cardset of inspirational strategies for allyship
A list of books, articles and videos to extend your learning
Lifelong access to resources and guidance on the TACSI Learning Hub including via the Learning Hub smart phone app
Define what it means to be an ally
Build a shared understanding of allyship across your team
Identify opportunities for you and your organisation to become a better ally
Identify opportunities to get started
Four hour online workshop
Hosted online via Zoom
Learning materials accessible via web browser
To support learners with limited access to professional development funding, we offer two prices for enrolments.
For organisation-funded learners:
This price is for learners with access to organisational funding such as professional development budgets.
AUD $600 per participant inclusive taxes (AUD $545 ex GST in Australia)
For self-funded learners:
This price is to support learners without access to funding from an organisation.
AUD $400 per participant inclusive taxes (AUD $363 ex GST in Australia)
On purchase you will receive a receipt by email that will show GST for customers in Australia.
Group booking and paying by invoice:
To make a group booking or pay by invoice, email [email protected] with your details.
This workshop can also be delivered to your organisation, tailored to your needs, at a time that works for your team. Contact [email protected] to find out more.
Scholarships and subsidies:
Limited free places are available for First Nations people, people with lived experience, and low-income earners. If you are seeking one of these places, email [email protected] for more information.
“The little bite sized moments, ideas and concepts that came out of rich conversation [were what I liked the most]. It was a great opportunity to listen and learn from Aunty Vicky and Chris, but also to understand the challenges and goals shared across sectors.”
“This is a great course to reflect, learn together and challenge yourself (and your organisation) to be a better ally. Thank you.”
“Many Threads of Allyship [are] such an effective way to show the varying aspects of how we can show up as settlers, and in strong support of First Nations people. I strongly resonated with the 'Bridging' and 'Histories and Realities' as this is something we haven't fully scratched the surface within our organisation, when working across many different communities.”
“Hearing about the wonderful work that has been done in partnership. Focus on relationships and doing our work with Heart.”
“Hearing from Aunty Vickey Charles about her experiences joining the team at TASCI and working with them to update their ways of working was great.”
“What I liked most about the session was the opportunity to connect with others who are exploring allyship in their lives and work, and especially to listen to Aunty Vicky. She always shares valuable insights, and it’s also great to just have a yarn with everyone. One question can lead to a meaningful conversation, and there’s always so much to learn from that shared exchange.”
Select your preferred date below to reserve your spot
Online workshop with Aunty-in-Residence Aunty Vickey Charles, and Chris Vanstone. Tuesday 25 Feb 2025. Price inclusive GST.
Online workshop in National Reconciliation Week with Aunty-in-Residence and Cultural Lead - Aunty Vickey Charles, and Chris Vanstone. Tuesday 3 June 2025.
Yes, we reserve two free places per network cohort for First Nations applicants, folks with lived expertise, and low-income earners. Contact our Learning Coordinator, ([email protected]), to request your place.
Absolutely. Creating the conditions for co-design or co-production is a collective endeavour. Enrolling as an organisation (or group of organisations) will help you build a shared understanding and shared language, while giving you the opportunity to work through challenges specific to your context. Contact our Learning Coordinator, ([email protected]) to talk about your options.
You will have lifelong access to the course materials.
Yes, you will be presented with a certificate on completing the course.
Networks and courses are non-refundable. If you are not able to make a network, and let us know more than 14 days before the start date, we will issue you a credit note (valid for 12 months) for use in a later network or course. At any point before the start date of the network you can transfer your place to a colleague at no additional cost. Contact our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
When you purchase via our secure online platform a tax invoice will be sent to your email address.
You can speak with our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected])