Frequently asked questions

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General questions

  • Are there any scholarships or subsidies?

    Yes, we reserve a limited number of free places on webinars, courses and networks for First Nations applicants, folks with lived expertise, and low-income earners. See the Scholarships page for more information Contact our Learning Coordinator on [email protected] to request your place.

  • Why can't I access certain pages?

    Unfortunately, a small number of people (all accessing the site from Government computers) have had trouble accessing certain pages, including the enrolment page. This occurs because our platform requires a more recent encryption protocol than your Department is running. We suggest either: 1) Contacting [email protected] to be enrolled manually, or, 2) Accessing the site from another device, e.g. your phone, other personal device or on another network.

  • Can I get a tax invoice?

    When you purchase via our secure online platform a tax invoice will be sent to your email address.

  • Can I register a group?

    Absolutely. Creating the conditions for co-design or co-production is a collective endeavour. Enrolling as an organisation (or group of organisations) will help you build a shared understanding and shared language, while giving you the opportunity to work through challenges specific to your context. Contact our Learning Coordinator, ([email protected]) to talk about your options.

  • Can I pay in instalments?

    Yes you can. Contact our learning co-ordinator on [email protected] to arrange.

  • How long will I have access?

    You will have lifelong access to the course materials.

  • Will I get a certificate?

    Yes, you will be presented with a certificate on completing the course.

  • What if I realise I can't attend a course after purchasing it?

    Networks and courses are non-refundable. If you are not able to make a network, and let us know more than 14 days before the start date, we will issue you a credit note (valid for 12 months) for use in a later network or course. At any point before the start date of the network you can transfer your place to a colleague at no additional cost. Contact our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

  • Who can I talk to about any other questions?

    You can speak with our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected])