Join Aunty in Residence and Cultural Lead, Aunty Vickey Charles, with Chief Innovation Officer Chris Vanstone, to explore practical approaches of engaging in co-design with First Nations Communities and Peoples.

The workshop is based on TACSI’s experience of co-design and innovation with First Nations groups which includes the development of policy, service design, governance design and development of community strategies. 

This workshop is a compliment and extension to cultural awareness and privilege awareness training. We can recommend First Nations-led organisations who provide this training.

Your facilitators

Aunty Vickey Charles

Aunty in Residence & Cultural Lead, TACSI

Aunty Vickey Charles is an Alawa/Mara woman from the Northern Territory who grew up in Adelaide from the age of 18 months, due to government policy at the time. She has spent her life raising awareness of Aboriginal Australia through her lived experience and work in government and not-for-profit sectors. Aunty Vickey has led TACSI on our cultural learning journey, to become a more culturally competent and culturally safe organisation. Her work includes taking new-starters through a cultural induction, developing the Cultural Canvas that ensures TACSI projects begin grounded in the cultural context, and playing a key role in TACSI developing a Reconciliation Action Plan.

Chris Vanstone

Chief Innovation Officer, TACSI

Chris started his career designing biscuits and razors before transitioning into social innovation over 20 years ago. As TACSI’s CIO, he’s responsible for keeping TACSI at the cutting edge of social innovation, playing a big role in the development of our practice, major initiatives and strategy. Chris’ goal is to democratise social innovation. He’s always striving to get important concepts into the world in ways that are clear.

What you'll receive

  • Pre-session reading and reflective activity

  • Four hour workshop facilitated by Aunty Vickey Charles and Chris Vanstone

  • Opportunities to connect with people exploring co-design in settings across Australia

  • Practical frameworks, processes and practices for co-design with First Nations communities

  • Case studies of successful engagement with First Nations communities

  • Lifelong access to resources and guidance on the TACSI Learning Hub including via the Learning Hub smart phone app

Five things you’ll be able to do after taking part

  • Reflect on the mindsets and practices for engaging with First Nations people

  • Identify frameworks for embedding cultural considerations into your work

  • Explore frameworks for engagement and co-design processes developed for First Nations communities

  • Practice applying a framework for Allyship in your work

  • Develop a shared understanding and common language to talk about engaging First Nations Peoples

Timing and pricing

Four hour workshop

Time & Duration:
Thursday 1 August, 12.30 - 4.30pm AEST

Hosted online via Zoom
Learning materials accessible via web browser 

To support learners with limited access to professional development funding, we offer two prices for enrolments.

For organisation-funded learners:

This price is for learners with access to organisational funding such as professional development budgets.

AUD $600 per participant inclusive taxes (AUD $545 ex GST in Australia)

For self-funded learners:

This price is to support learners without access to funding from an organisation. 

AUD $400 per participant inclusive taxes (AUD $363 ex GST in Australia)

On purchase you will receive a receipt  by email that will show GST for customers in Australia.

Scholarships and subsidies:
Limited free places available for First Nations people, people with lived experience, and low-income earners. If you are seeking one of these places, email [email protected] for more information.


To support learners with limited access to professional development funding, we offer two prices for enrolments.

  • $600.00

    Organisation-funded learners

  • $400.00

    Self-funded learners


Course curriculum

  1. Welcome

  2. Slides from workshop

  3. Many Threads of Allyship

  4. Allyship Stories

  5. Cultural Canvas

  6. An Aboriginal Perspective on Co-Design and Innovation

About this course

  • $600.00
  • Four hour workshop
  • Online delivery

What learners said

“You can see how authentic and connected both Aunty Vickey and Chris were and this demonstrates co-design and co-creation in practice as they present.”

Participant, 2024

“Great facilitation and frameworks alongside visuals very informative and inspiring a lot of reflection.”

Participant, 2024

“Hearing from Aunty Vickey Charles about her experiences joining the team at TASCI and working with them to update their ways of working was great.”

Participant, 2024


  • Are there any scholarships or subsidies?

    Yes, we reserve two free places per network cohort for First Nations applicants, folks with lived expertise, and low-income earners. Contact our Learning Coordinator, ([email protected]), to request your place.

  • Can I register a group?

    Absolutely. Creating the conditions for co-design or co-production is a collective endeavour. Enrolling as an organisation (or group of organisations) will help you build a shared understanding and shared language, while giving you the opportunity to work through challenges specific to your context. Contact our Learning Coordinator, ([email protected]) to talk about your options.

  • How long will I have access?

    You will have lifelong access to the course materials.

  • Will I get a certificate?

    Yes, you will be presented with a certificate on completing the course.

  • What if I realise I can’t attend the course after purchasing it?

    Networks and courses are non-refundable. If you are not able to make a network, and let us know more than 14 days before the start date, we will issue you a credit note (valid for 12 months) for use in a later network or course. At any point before the start date of the network you can transfer your place to a colleague at no additional cost. Contact our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

  • Can I get a tax invoice?

    When you purchase via our secure online platform a tax invoice will be sent to your email address.

  • Who can I talk to about any other questions?

    You can speak with our Learning Coordinator, via email ([email protected])