Hear TACSI practitioner Carla Clarence and TACSI Lived Expertise Associate Peter Kennedy share what we’re learning about shifting power in co-design and co-planning processes.

Together we explored: 

  • Theoretical frameworks for working with power, including getting beyond the heaviness of power and the Power Threat Meaning Framework.
  • Practical strategies that you can use in your projects, including key questions to begin planning for co-design and addressing power imbalances.
  • Case studies from TACSI’s work in health and mental health settings including how a policy change to employ people with lived experience gave Peter "a sense of hope."

Participants in the webinar can use a $30 discount on the 8 week course Foundations for Co-design or Foundations for Co-design in Mental Health starting May or October.

Webinar recorded on 23 April 2024.

About your hosts

Carla Clarence

Future of Mental Health, TACSI

Carla is passionate about supporting mental health practitioners and transforming how we approach mental health as a society. Over the last five years, she has led over 30 co-design and co-planning projects in mental health settings including with not-for-profits, private health networks, and government, as well as philanthropically-funded work. With a practice-based background of case work, coaching, and working with people experiencing extremely complex life challenges, she understands the realities of making ‘co’ work across the service-system.

Peter Kennedy

Lived Expertise Associate, TACSI. Peer Worker, Ballarat Community Care.

A proud Narungga and Wotjobaluk Aboriginal man. Peter’s lived and professional experiences include peer work, participating in co‑design activities as a lived‑experience participant, the criminal justice system and connecting isolated people with community supports.