Where it came from

The Many Threads framework was developed to support TACSI practionners to think about the multiple dimensions of allyship in their work.

[image of in use}

"The Many Threads can be woven through everything you do. It’s about making it easy. If you sit in fear, wondering ‘what if I do the wrong thing?’, you’re going to spin your wheels and not go anywhere."

Aunty Vickey Charles Aboriginal Lead and Aunty in Residence at TACSI

How to use it

Use the prompts to reflect with your team.

[Image of in use in TACSI work]

In the pack

Prompts that will get you to think about allyship from 5 different perspectives: Country & Peoples; Histories & Realities; Self-Determination; Seeing & Valuing; Bridging and Innovating Together.